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NoGravity is a performing arts company founded and directed by Emiliano Pellisari. The NoGravity artistic work crosses the boundaries between different performing arts in order to create multidisciplinary performances and theatrical shows. NoGravity’s style is inspired by the extraordinary mechanics of Renaissance and Baroque theatre of Marvel with a focus on the Man-Machine relationship. Beauty, dream, marvel, illusion, fun are the keys of the poetic of the director Emiliano Pellisari. Symbols, evocations, suggestions, tableaux vivant are created to express the ‘jagged coastline’ of collective imagination. NoGravity presents his shows in world tours every year. It was present in Russia, China, Colombia, Uruguay, Switzerland, germany, France, Spain, Poland, Italy. In 2018 NoGravity is present in Spain, Italy, Canary Island, SouthAmerica, Poland, Russia, Azerbaijan with the shows Divina Commedia, Aria, Comix, Leonardo.


Emiliano Pellisari’s style derives from studies which goes from Hellenistic theatre to the extraordinary theatre of the Renaissance and the mechanic inventions of the seventeenth century. It readopts the grand Baroque Italian tradition of the theatre of marvels: a time when the artist’s studios, which emerged in Italian cities such as Florence, Rome or Milan designed and built extraordinary apparatuses that were masterfully applied by the great Italian artist-artisans in their mise-en-scenes to enchant the courts of whole Europe. 


When his putative father, the journalist and writer Nanni Filippini, died, the young Emiliano was obliged to stop his studies in Philosophy and to start working as a carpenter, plumber, electrician….all in all as a real theatre artisan.

By that time, Emiliano Pellisari devoted himself to his own theatre creations and started working as theatre director. He conceived and created the NoGravity technique and began his new artistically path with the show “Daimon Project” which was presented at International Art Center in Moscow at 2005.


In 2008  he met the young talented dancer Mariana Porceddu, now co-choreographer of the company and his partner in life.


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Co-Choreographer&Principal Dancer

In 1987, at the age of 6, she began her dance studies and, at the age of 18, she crossed the sea to pass the entrance exam to the National Academy of Dance in Rome, Italy.


In 2003 she graduated and became professional dancer; then she obtained the Internship at the École supérieure de danse de Cannes by Rosella Hightower, France.


In 2005 she joined the company "Danza Prospettiva" by Vittorio Biagi, a fundamental artistic experience.


In 2006 she work at international level in “Jazz dance world congress” at Harris Theater in Chicago and  worked as dancer in the  TV Shows “Mattino in Famiglia”  and “Domenica in Famiglia”, RAI 2.


In 2007 he became a teacher of classical and modern at the new training courses of F.I.D.S. In the same year, during the "Grand Premio Danza" held in Santa Marinella (Rome), she joined the jury together with Alberto Testa, Oriella Dorella, Vilma Battafarano.


In 2008 she met Emiliano Pellisari and began as choreographer assistant at 2 years after. From 2012 she began as NoGravity principal dancer and co-choreographer.



Video Maker

Donatello è un video maker eccezionale e un montatore di talento che collabora con la nostra compagnia da diversi anni. Fa parte di quello che Emiliano Pellisari definisce il "Dream Team"della NoGravity, portando creatività e professionalità in ogni progetto. La sua passione per il video storytelling si riflette in ogni lavoro, rendendo ogni produzione unica e coinvolgente. Siamo orgogliosi di avere Donny nel nostro team!

Artist /Illustrator/Scenic Designer

Bato è un artista versatile che da oltre dieci anni collabora con NoGravity, portando la sua sensibilità artistica in ogni progetto. Ha lavorato a fianco di Emiliano Pellisari, contribuendo con performance, bozzetti per costumi di scena, scenografie e storyboard. Inoltre, Bato gestisce la grafica della compagnia, curando le pubblicazioni sia cartacee che digitali. Fa parte del "Dream Team" di NoGravity, infondendo creatività e originalità in ogni iniziativa.


Fotografa/ Social media Manager

Chiara è la nostra esperta di comunicazione, fondamentale per la crescita della compagn. Gestisce i nostri social media e cura i rapporti con i diversi spazi performativi in cui operiamo. Grazie al impegno, la visibilità della compagnia è in costante aumento, e siamo orgogliosi di avere Chiara nel nostro team creativo. La sua passione e professionalità fanno la differenza nel nostro successo.


Nogravity is a performing arts company -  supported by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage since 2015 - that produces and tours domestically and internationally with dance, theater and music performances. The legal name is COMPAGNIA DANZA EMILIANO PELLISARI STUDIO CULTURAL ASSOCIATION based in ROME, via Gabrino Fondulo 49-51. The operational headquarters are in the new studio created in 2019 in via Gabrino Fondulo 13.

The president of the association is EMILIANO PELLISARI PLLMLN68C19L195A and does not receive any compensation for his role as per the statute. The secretary of the association is MARIANA PORCEDDUPRCMRN81H45E281Z and does not receive any compensation for his role as per the statute. There is no assignment to outside the association and no member of the association receives any compensation for the work done within the cultural association.

The EMILIANO PELLISARI DANCE COMPANY CULTURAL ASSOCIATION received 40.949,37 euros from the MIC in the year 2022 and 49.107,00 euros in the year 2023

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NoGravity is a brand by
Emiliano Pellisari Studio
via G.Fondulo 49/51 00176 Roma
VAT IT11140141000
NoGravity is promoted by
Marco Polo Network Ltd
Cambridge, 3th Morleys Place
CB22 3TG Reg. N° 7839330
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Design by
Emiliano Pellisari Studio in collaboration with BatoDesign
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