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Teachers: Emiliano Pellisari​ and Mariana/P


Disability Expert:​ Gianfranco Falcone

Builders of beauty. Still a show, event, course for disabled people?No. I wouldn't say so. This time we ask paraplegics to be builders of the beautiful. It rarely happens that there is such an appeal. It's not usual the paraplegics come seen in a perspective in which they teach beauty, harmony, perfection. In Italy a familistic and welfare attitude towards people still prevails who have circumstances, fates contexts other than what is the norm or what is assumed to benorm.

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Ours is a calling. It's not a call to arms. It is a call to art, open atparaplegics, men and women who feel the need for poetry and want to,will, desire, to fly. Ours is a call to arms, not to exalt paraplegic bodies, not to bring them back to one pseudo normality, not to enhance its potential or athletic ability. Not to build false and fake homologations to falsely perfect bodies. Ours is a call to arms to get out of the circle that claims us to be equal.

With our course we want to enhance the difference and call people to put on wings, to try with our dance NoGravity the thrill of flying and the thrill of art.

NoGravity invites the world of the imperfect, the crooked, the Freaks, a symbolic occupation of the field of art. Prerequisite for the invisibles of our cities to show themselves in their beauty and they walk the streets still too uninhabited by prams and diversity that claim theirs breath. One of the problems in the world of paraplegia is that of training and work.

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With our course, with the project conceived by that producer of visions that isEmiliano Pellisari, we want to offer a highly educational pathwith teachers who like Mariana Porceddu who has made dance their reason for living, with psychologists and trainers like Gianfranco Falcone who of the healthy body and the compromised body he knows the implications thanks to his training. Ours is a call to arms. Because you experience the beauty of flight and through this test yes tell the world about the importance of a life ...NoGravity.


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NoGravity is a brand by
Emiliano Pellisari Studio
via G.Fondulo 49/51 00176 Roma
VAT IT11140141000
NoGravity is promoted by
Marco Polo Network Ltd
Cambridge, 3th Morleys Place
CB22 3TG Reg. N° 7839330
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Design by
Emiliano Pellisari Studio in collaboration with BatoDesign
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