"MYTHOLOGICAL planets, sparkling stars, weightless ANGELS circle in the air.
Music, dance and BALOONS, candles, golden surfaces and MIRRORS create
OPTICAL and visual surprising EFFECTS".
Outdoor Show
Max 1H
Creation of choreography, scenes, costumes, light design
Emiliano Pellisari
Co-Coreographer&First Dancer
Mariana Porceddu
Musical direction
Walter Testolin
Costume designer
Giusi Giustino
10 musicians (live version)
10 dancers
Renaissance ensemble
In 1490 Leonardo Da Vinci invented and organized the set design for an extraordinary show wanted by the Regent of Milan, Ludovico Maria Sforza, also known as Ludovico Il Moro.
Ludovico Il Moro wished to offer a marvelous, perfect theatrical and musical show to entertain his guests.
Along them, new political and powerful allies attended the show and Ludovico must win their admiration and confidence.
Ludovico asked Leonardo Da Vinci to design and realize the scenes of a Big Show in order to astonish his guests and express his power.
The Leonardo Fiesta went down in history as Festa del Paradiso because of its magnificent illusionist and mystical spirits.
Emiliano Pellisari celebrates the art and genius of renaissance's master and revives the time of Leonardo Fiesta.